Hello my friends!
After more than two years on novel number three, I am moving on to a new project (I will return to novel number three eventually, but for the present I need to move in this new direction, I think, to gain the perspective I need to figure out what’s still missing from it). That’s not all.
I’ve been thinking about what I can do to make this blog more valuable for readers, since I expect this new manuscript is going to take me a year (that’s optimistic). So naturally, I thought of turning to other talented writers and asking them to share a bit about their journey with me. Soon, I hope to feature weekly Author Journeys – perhaps for Mondays. It’s my way of getting to know others (and learning from them), and I hope you all get as much out of it as I do.
Eventually, I will share a bit about my world and my stories, but my web designer still has her hands full of gremlins (and I was away on vacation).
More to come.